The Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions of Serbia DEAPS


Article 1

General Provisions

The Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions of Serbia (hereinafter: Association) is founded as the professional, non-party, non-political, and non-profit association of citizens.

The Association has the character of a legal person and in legal communications will appear in its own name and on its own account.

The Association is a professional organization bringing together professionals from different areas of human activities (health care, social welfare, education, culture, sport, and the like) to achieve their joint interests aimed at advancement of theory, practice, organization and research in the field of psychiatry and mental health of children and adolescents.

Membership in the Association is voluntary.

Article 2

Title and Headquarters

Full title of the Association is “THE ASSOCIATION FOR CHILD AND ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRY AND ALLIED PROFESSIONS OF SERBIA” – in Latin characters in the Serbian language.

Abbreviated title is: DEAPS, in Latin character in the Serbian language.

All titles quoted in item 1 and item 2 of this Article will be used equally in Association’s communications.

The headquarters of the Association will be in Belgrade, Milana Tepica 1.

The activity of the Association will take place on the territory of Serbia.

Article 7

The Association Objectives

The objectives of the Association are:
1. professional and scientific activities aimed at promoting social care in the protection of mental health of children and young people;

2. advancement of medical activities and activities of allied professions in professional, scientific and organizational areas;

3. encouragement of professional and scientific activities for early detection, treatment and preventive protection of mental health of children and young people;

4. promotion and help in development of the network of organizations and services for protection of mental health in children and young people;

5. enhancing, help and work on continuous education of professionals in the field of protection of mental health in children and young people;

6. organization and encouragement of professional and scientific-research work and other activities contributing to health and social care of children and youth;

7. upgrading of education and research in the field of children and adolescent psychiatry and allied professions;

8. promotion of publishing professional and scientific papers and publishing of professional, scientific and popular publications in the field of child and adolescent psychiatry and allied professions;

9. organization of professional meetings, seminars, conferences, symposia and congresses for its members and all others interested in getting acquainted with the latest advances in the development of child and adolescent psychiatry and allied professions, both in the country and in the world;

10. contribution to improving the position of professionals in this field and advocating for the fulfillment of their professional interests.

Article 15

Organs of the Association

The organs of the Association are the Assembly, Executive Committee and Supervisory Committee.